Liberal Catholic Easter notice for Procession, Solemn Eucharist, and Benediction from 1936. (The lot in question is now "Trainers Fitness" just south of Honest Ed's).
Advertisement from St Bart's for the Feast of Dedication the year of Fr Pashler's death, 1959, with notice of the Induction of Fr Belway.
An early Old Catholic mission in Toronto under Abp Grosvold. The dedication suggests a gay-oriented congregation but no direct connection with the present-day Eucharistic Catholic Church in Cabbagetown.
This notice from 1975 (left) shows that St Mary Magdalene had shed its earlier reticent terminology of "Solemn Eucharist", "Devotions," etc and nailed its "Old Western Rite" colours to the mast. By the Garnsworthy years (right), the Papalism of the parish is in full bloom (note "Vespers").
Wow! Educational.
So I guess that you won't be bothering us librarians with the question, "What is a primary source?"
It's interesting that the Reformed Episcopals are now a part of the strange confederation known as the Anglican Church in North America, since they share little of its theology. They have an interesting history and are essentiall ultra-Protestant Anglicans who thought that the Episcopal Church in the 19th century was getting to 'Romish". They exist in a few places in Canada and have a "cathedral" in New Liskeard.
I know one Reformed Episcopal minister who wears copes and coloured stoles - the founder must be turning in their graves!
Thank you for the note about the Reformed Episcopal Church. I know you had mentioned that the ACNA people up your way were all low but I hadn't realised just the nature of the body from which they came. It seems to be something akin to the Free Church of England, which has an outpost near us and was one of the few local churches not to have people present or send any sort of greeting/response to our invitation of them to our first service in our new church. :-)
Perhaps next time holy relics or the Kursk Icon of the Mother of God comes, we'll be sure to invite them to that too. :-D
Ah. It seems the churches have overlapping histories. In addition, the FCE appears to have a parish in St Petersburg - the Free Church of England Outside of England, I suppose.
The "Old Western Rite" referred to in the SMM advertisement was not the usual Sunday celebration, but a recreation of the rite according to the Anglican Missal as used before Fr Hutt arrived in the parish. At the behest of some nostalgia buffs it was done on certain feasts, latterly only the Sunday after the Feast of dedication.
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