Christ the Saviour Monastery in Hamilton has released the Holy Week schedule for the Oratory of Our Lady of Glastonbury.
April 20
Palm Sunday
9am Blessing of Palms and Procession; Sung Mass with the Passion of St Matthew
April 23
Wednesday in Holy Week
7pm Stations of the Cross; Anointing Service
April 24
Maundy Thursday
8am Tenebrae (Matins and Lauds)
6pm Sung Mass and Stripping of the Altar
April 25
Good Friday
8am Tenebrae
12 noon Stations of the Cross
6pm Solemn Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified
April 26
Holy Saturday
8am Tenebrae
7.30pm Great Vigil and First Mass of Easter
April 27
Easter Sunday
9am Morrow Mass of Easter
6pm Vespers and Benediction
Holy Week...2009? I suppose it doesn't change much year to year, but still. Perhaps a bit TOO prepared.
Nope. Holy Week 2008 on the Julian calendar. ;)
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