Thursday, May 1, 2008

How to Say the Office of the Departed using the Book of Alternative Services

Officiant: Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord.
People: And let perpetual light shine upon them.

The Psalms
The Book of Common Prayer (1962) provides Psalms 90, 121, 130. A Monastic Breviary prescribes that the ordinary psalmody of the day be used. If the psalms are appropriate, this option may be used. The opening versicle and response "Rest eternal..." replace the Gloria patri at the conclusion of each psalm.

The First lesson
The Book of Common Prayer provides Isaiah 38.10-20 OR Isaiah 43.1-7 OR Job 19.21-27a. A Monastic Breviary prescribes Ezekiel 37.1-14 in the morning and II Samuel 12.15b-23 in the evening.

First Canticle or Responsory
Appropriate options include "The Souls of the Righteous" (p. 80), Responsory 1 ("In the evening, tears" on p.101), number 2 ("My life is in your hand, deliver me" on page 101), number 3 ("The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous" on page 102), or the responsory for Lent on page 106. The first line of the Gloria Patri is replaced with Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord.

The Second Lesson
The BCP commends John 5.24-29 OR I Corinthians 15.50-end OR Revelation 1.9-18. A Monastic Breviary prescribes I Corinthians 15.35-49 in the morning and I Thessalonians 5.1-11 in the evening.

Second Canticle or Responsory
See above.

The Apostles' Creed

The Prayers of the People for Funerals, printed on both p. 579 and p.593, are appropriate.

The Collect of All Souls is on p. 429.

The Lord's Prayer
Traditional and contemporary forms are provided in the BAS.

V. Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord.
R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.
V. May they rest in peace [and rise in glory].
R. Amen.

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