Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmass at S. Clement's

(Audio attack)

24 December
*10am Low Mass of the Vigil
*12noon First Vespers and Compline
*9.45pm Mattins
*Confessions: 5-6pm, 10.30-11.30pm

25 December
*12am Procession and Solemn High Mass of Midnight
*8am Low Mass of the Dawn
*11am Solemn High Mass of the Day


Paul Goings said...

In case you're interested, the Hours (Prime, Terce, Sext, and None) were recited before the Mass of the Vigil, and Prime on Christmas Eve has that interesting passage from the Martyrology. First Vespers of Christmas was solemnly sung, but without coped assistants. The Midnight Mass was followed by Lauds, and the Hours and Second Vespers of Christmas were recited the next day, before and after the High Mass. Of course, these services are attended by only a zealous few, but then the idea is to simply make sure that they are offered, so that the full round of prayer and praise might continue, at least as far as can be managed.

G said...

That's fantastic to hear!